Learn With The Best

We take pride in bringing in the highest quality speakers, providing industry standard training sessions, and connecting our members with IT Professionals.

  • Our labs simulate real world scenarios to teach members both offensive and defensive tactics in cyber security.

  • We provide students networking opportunities with peers and alumni during meetings and conferences like CypherCon!

  • Teaching and using Azure Cloud Service Management to streamline virtual machines for the purpose of teaching Cybersecurity concepts.

  • We bring in industry speakers from a wide range of industries to talk about their experience in cyber security and career paths others can take!

Organization Events

Our Mission

The aim of the UW-W ISACA is to help young people discover and develop a passion for cybersecurity. At UW-W ISACA, we provide students with presentations from professional speakers, hands-on labs, and fun activities to spark interest in cybersecurity. ISACA members compete in the capture-the-flags throughout the school year at a collegiate level. In addition, we attend conferences such as CypherCon and Cybersecurity Forward.